
Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners – offenses


As we stated in the last news, this information letter will, among other things, discuss in more detail the offenses and other sanctions introduced by the new Act on the Registration of Beneficial Owners, which enters into effect on 1.6.2021.

First of all, it is necessary to mention the offense committed by the registrant (i.e. the person who has the beneficial owner), if this person does not ensure the entry of any data in the register of beneficial owners even at the request of the court.

Furthermore, i

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New Act on Registration of Beneficial Owners No. 37/2021 Coll.


On 3 February 2021, Act No. 37/2021 Coll., The Act on Beneficial Owners, was published in the Collection of Laws, which will enter into effect on 1 June 2021. This act responds to Directive 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the EU (V. AML Directive) of 30 May 2018. 

The aim of this act is to transpose into the national law some of the new requirements concerning beneficial owners, which are contained in the V. AML Directive. 

This new legislation enshrines a more precise definition

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