
The binding character of the territorial decision also for a new plot owner


The territorial decision is according to the provision 77 Subsec. 1 of Building Act: decision about placement of building, about the territory usage, about change of influence in the usage of the building on the territory, about splitting or rounding off landed property or about protection zone.

In case, that the buyer got the plot after that the territorial decision in favor of a previous plot owner was issued, is this territorial decision binding also for a new plot owner. If the new plot owner applies for e.g. an issue of building permit, a building authority should not prove to whom was the territorial decision issued, but if the application about building permit is in accordance with this issued territorial decision.

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The new amendment of the Trade License Act is being prepared – what will be new?


On Wednesday May 14, 2014 the Deputy Chamber approved the government amendment to the Trade License Act (deputy chamber document No. 85).

The suggested legal regulation will mostly influence the active entrepreneurs or the entrepreneurs, whose last trade license has terminated, in particular, in the area of public data in the trade registry. Some, until today published data about these persons shall be considered non-public data as non-public after the new legal regulation comes into force.

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Devices enabling communication of author´s work to the public in business premises


In recent years some collective administrators of author rights (as OSA, OAZA) has been in a large scale turning to companies and persons who provide services in their business premises accessible to the public (hereinafter referred to as “users”) with reminder to pay author royalties (for instance for operation of radio or television).

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Impossibility of exclusion or shortening of 20day period within the duty of the cadastral office to inform the owner about the change of the legal circumstances connected with his/her property


The new duty of the cadastral office to inform the owner in the case, that his real estate is effected by the change of legal circumstances, which brought the act No. 256/2013 Col., about real estate cadastre (hereinafter “cadastral act”). This regulation should protect the property owner from fictive betrayal transactions in cadastre.

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