
New Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I bis)


On 12.12.2012 The European Parliament and the Council have adopted the regulation Nr. 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I bis).

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Debt Relief of Natural Persons Conducting Entrepreneurial Activity


As we have already informed you, a new amendment to the Insolvency Act (Act No. 182/2006 Coll.) became effective on 01.01.2014. This amendment gives the natural persons, who used to conduct entrepreneurial activity, the opportunity/possibility to file the petition for the discharge, i.e. to include debts from their entrepreneurial activity to the discharge.

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Employees with children are entitled to reduced working hours


On 9July 2014, the Supreme Court issued an interesting decision (No. 21 Cdo 1821/2013) concerning Sec. 241 Subsec. 2 of the Labour Code. According to this provision, if an employee looking after a child under fifteen years of age requests to reduce the number of working hours or some other suitable modification of full-time working hours, the employer shall satisfy such request, unless serious operational reasons prevent him to do so.

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