
Changes in Labour Code from 1.8.2013


On 1.8.2013 amendment to the Labour Code (Act No. 155/2013 Coll.) which concerns to the employment in employment relationship for definite period and the length of continuous rest between two shifts shall become effective.

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Driver attention! New duty to adapt the driving speed in the municipality regardless of placing of traffic signs


One of the basic duties of the drivers according to the Act of Road Traffic is to observe the speed limit on the various types of roads. There is a maximum speed limit of 50 km/hour in the municipality.

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Compulsory health checks of drivers aged 65


The amendment to Act No. 361/2000 Coll., as amended, about road traffic, which brings change related to compulsory health checks for non-professional drivers, will be effective from 1.7.2013.

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Debt forgiveness and wage imposition of both spouses


Act on Bankruptcy allows individuals to solve their bankruptcy by debt forgiveness. It is very practical in case of married couples to file a motion for debt forgiveness by both spouses in the married couple because their property is for the most part in the estate by the entirety.

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