The Posting of Workers in the framework of EU


On March 8, 2017 the Senate adopted an amendment of the Act on Employment, Labour Code and the Labour Inspection Act. A signature of the president is still necessary for the adoption of the amendment.

The reason for the adoption of the above mentioned amendment is the implementation of the Directive 2014/67/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 that was adopted for the purpose of the fight against the circumvention of the rules about the posting of the workers.

The Amendment of the Act on Employment introduces a new obligation of the sending employer from the EU to have at the workplace copies of the documents that prove the existence of the labour-law relationship; the documents have to be translated to Czech.

The Amendment of the Act on Employment simultaneously narrows the obligation to keep a record of the data about the posted workers from the EU. It will not be required for example to keep a record about the education of the posted worker or about its work permit any more.