The new Act on the Public Registers of Legal Entities and Natural Persons


With respect to the passing of the new Civil Code and the cancellation of the current Commercial Code, Act No. 304/2013 Coll, on the Public Registers of Legal Entities and Natural Persons was published in the Collection of Laws of the Czech Republic on 30.09.2013. This Act includes regulation of association registry, commercial registry and foundation registry, registry of institutes, associations of owners of units registry and registry of generally beneficial societies.

Big news is the possibility to perform the entries into the public registers by the notary public, further the possibility to pre-register a business name of a business corporation, or the change in the list of the registered items (information), which will be entered into public register obligatory and which will be entered voluntary. The public registers will be in charge of the regional courts, determined according to the general jurisdiction of the registered subject.