Technical Standards in the Building Industry


Any technical standards (ČSN, ČSN EN) which are legally binding on the basis of Act No. 186/2006 Coll., Building Code or other legal acts that are implementing the Building Code  (so-called technical standards in the building industry) shall be publicly available free of charge according to the Building Code. This was also recently confirmed by Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic (decision as of 28th May 2015, Reference Number: 1 As 162/2014-63).

The Supreme Administrative Court has dealt with a following situation: The applicant had asked Office for Technical Normalisation to provide him the technical standards in the building industry for free. The Office for Technical Normalisation rejected the request due to the fact that any technical norms shall be provided against payment pursuant to Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on Technical Requirements on Products. The Supreme Administrative Court did not agree with the given reason and stated that the Office for technical Normalisation shall provide any technical standards in the building industry for free.