Reimbursement of Court Proceedings


New regulation No. 254/2015 Coll., on the Flat Rate of Administrative Costs of Court Proceedings was published in the Collection of Laws of the Czech Republic as of 6th October 2015.

Administrative costs of the proceedings (e.g. postage) expended by the participant of the proceedings who had been represented by an attorney were up to now reimbursed in a flat rate of 300,- CZK as for one legal act. The participant who had not been represented by an attorney had to prove the exact amount of expended administrative costs. The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic considered such unequal treatment of participants as unconstitutional.  

The Ministry of Justice therefore adopted the above mentioned regulation. Administrative costs expended by the participant, who is not represented by an attorney, shall also be reimbursed in a flat rate; the flat rate for such participant amounts to CZK 100,- or CZK 300,-  according to the difficulty of the lawsuit. The flat rate for the participant represented by an attorney remains the same, i.e. CZK 300,- as for one legal act.