New Administrative Offences in the Act on Labor Inspection


We have already informed you about some of the changes in the Act on Employment brought in by the Act No. 206/2017 Coll. (see However, this Act changes also other Acts, such as Labor Code or Act on Labor Inspection. {READMORE}}

Regarding the changes in the Labor Code, a new Section 307b regulating the obligations of the employment agency and the user in connection with the temporary assignment of an employee of the employment agency to the user was introduced.

With regard to the above stated new provision in the Labor Code, regulation of administrative offences in the Act on Labor Inspection was also amended, when the Act on Labor Inspection newly contains also sanction for the breach of Section 307b of the Labor Code. In case of the breach a fine up to 1.000.000 CZK can be imposed.

The amendment further introduces new administrative offences in the area of personality protection and personal rights of the employees, since up to now the Act on Labor Inspection has not contained administrative offences for breach of Section 316 Subsection 2 to 4 of the Labor Code. For the breach of Section 316 Subsection 2 and 4 newly a fine up to 1.000.000 CZK can be imposed, for the breach of Section 316 Subsection 3 a fine up to 100.000 CZK can be imposed.