It's necessary to pay attention when contracting agreement related to real estate


Act No. 89/2012 Col., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred only as “NCC”) brought within January 2014 many changes in area of real estates and concluding here with connected agreements.

Newly, it´s necessary to pay attention when contracting agreement by purchase, whether the owner of the real estate fulfilled the obligation set in the section § 747 NCC. This regulation sets, if the owner of the real estate, where he/she lives with other spouse, is going to sell, rent or release the real estate or burden it by the right of other person, he has to acquire the agreement of the other spouse, otherwise the other spouse can obtain the nonvalidity of this legal act. This regulation aims primarily to protection of the family or alternatively of the other spouse, neverless on the other hand it makes worse the position of the acquirer.