Children group since 1st September 2014 - there is an another possible type of service considering the care about pre-scholar children


On 26.3.2014 took place the first reading of governmental act suggestion about providing care service about a child in a children group and about a change of relating acts in the Deputy Chamber of Czech Republic, parliamentary print out Nr. 82/0 (hereinafter  only „Act About a Children Group“). The Act suggestion is a reaction on increasingly coming requirements of parents on growing up of quality and accessibility of a pre-scholar care.

The Act about a children group implements a new type of a service involving the baby-sitting and the taking care about pre-scholar children.  The aim of this Act is a maintaining of relation between the parents and their profession in the time of their care about a child and their succeeding come back to their work. The next aim is an increasing of local and financial accessibility of care service about pre-scholar children and setting of conditions for a performance provider of these services.

The suggestion of this Act allows parents to locate their children from one year until they obligatory go to school to children groups. As follows the Act extends the circle of providers of this service, including their employers. The employers, who decide to arrange this service for their employees, will be able to accept tax costs on their providing.

If the Act will be accepted according to the time schedule, will become effective as from 1.9.2014.